201 E. Main Street Red River, NM 575-754-2252
Mention "Blue Knights" when booking - Condominium Suites: 1 to 3 bedroom - buddy up with your chapter brothers to save some serious money on lodging! A 3 bedroom condo can be as low as $50.00 per night per bedroom/person.
301 E Main Street Red River, NM 575-754-2272 www.3bearsrr.com
Mention "Blue Knights" when booking Condominiums Suites: 1 to 3 bedroom -buddy up with your chapter brothers to save some serious money on lodging! A 3 bedroom condo can be as low as $50.00 per night per bedroom/person.
100 Gilt Edge Trail, Red River, NM 87558 (800) 669-2961
Provides 10% Law Enforcement Discount / Booking starts in January 2025
201 W. Main Street Red River, NM 575-754-2778 www.liftswest.com
Request Law Enforcement discount when booking - Condominiums Suites: 1 to 3 bedroom - buddy up with your chapter brothers to save some serious money on lodging! A 3 bedroom condo can be as low as $50.00 per night per bedroom/person.
301 W River Street, Red River NM 575-754-2388
Law Enforcement discount
307 E River St, Red River, NM 87558 (575) 754-6210
Located very close to main Lodge venue
Ponderosa Lodge 200 W Main Street, Red River NM 575-754-8415
Red River Condos 90 N. Independence Trail, Red River NM 575-737-8462
Check in at Conference Center to obtain registration items
Hospitality Room will be open
President's Meeting
General Membership Meeting
Meet in center of Main Street / Kickstands up at 8:30 am - early Grab-n-Go breakfast starting at 7:30 am / Guided ride to the Rio Grande Gorge, lunch at the Gorge, ride back to Red River
Catered Dinner - Fajitas with all the trimmings and sides
To feature 2025 SW Conference custom Blue Knights' labeled Cigars - and smoked Old Fashions to drink
Meet in center of Main Street / Kickstands up at 9:30 am - early Grab-n-Go breakfast at 8:30 am / Guided ride to the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial in Angel Fire, NM followed by a barbeque lunch provided by the Eagle's Nest Fire Department - ride back to Red River
Dash for Cash Duck Race in the river- Come cheer on your duck to see if you win one of the three cash prizes - the more people who register, the bigger the cash prizes!
Chuck wagon banquet, awards ceremony, and entertainment
Fairwell day
4509 Alameda Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87113 Website: indianmotorcycleabq.com Phone: (505) 508-2830
5000 Alameda Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87113-1684 Website: thunderbirdhd.com Phone: (505) 856-1600
If you prefer to have a paper registration form emailed to you, please send us a request and provide your email address.